作品概念源自思考不同狀態下的晚餐。 每一天最能令我們放鬆的時光就是晚餐時段,這短暫的時光讓人放下手上的工作、生活中的瑣碎和煩惱,好好放鬆和休息。 帶着這個概念,我開始尋找100個陌生人,邀請他們讓我到他們家作客並共進晚飯,透過這段時間了解他們的日常、真實樣貌和其故事。 (此作品正在進行中) The concept of the work comes from thinking about dinner in different states. The most relaxing time every day is dinner time. This short time allows people to let go of their work, trivialities and troubles in life, and have a good time to relax and rest. With this concept in mind, I started looking for 100 strangers, inviting them to let me visit their homes and have dinner together, and learn about their daily lives, their real appearances, and their stories through this time. (this work is in progress)